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OCR: PACKAGED SOFTWARE REVENUE Rank 1995 1994 Private Worldwide Worldwide Company 1995 1994 22 34 PeopleSoft Inc. 440 Rosewood Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 Founded: 1987 $211.0 $108.0 http://www.peoplesoft.com Chairman/CEO/ President: David A. Duffield 23 20 Borland International Inc. 100 Borlind Way Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Founded: 1983 208.0 250.0 http://www.borland.com Chairman: William F. Miller CEO/President: Gary A. Wetsel 24 26 Claris Corp. 5201 Patrick Henry Drive Founded- 1987 183.8 157.3 Santa Clara, CA 95052 hup://www.claris.com President: Guerrino De Luca 25 25 The Santa Cruz 100 Encinal St ., P.O. Box 1900 Founded: 1979 Operation Inc. Santa Cruz, CA 95010 CEO President Alok Mohan 178.1 169.5 26 32 Progress Software Corp. 14 Duk Park Bedford, MA 01730 Founded 1981 168.4 123.7 http:/ /www.progress.com President: Joseph W. Alsop 27 37 Cheyenne 3 lispressway Plaza 157.6 Software Inc. Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Founded: 1983 104.8 http:/ /www.cheyenne.com ChairmaniCECIPresident; ReiJane Huai 28 27 Cincom Systems Inc. 2300 Montana Avc. founded: 1968 157.0 151.0 Cincinnati, OF 45211 hno://www.cincom.com Chairman/CEO/President: Thonms M. Nics 29 28 Boole & Babbage 313! Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95134 Founded: 1967 150.4 134.5 Inc. http://www.boule.com CFO: Paul E. Newton 30 35 Intersolv Inc. 11 9420 Key West Ave. Rockville, MD 20550 Founded: 1982 138.7 106.5 hup://www.intersolv.com ChairmaniCEC. Kevin J. Burns President: Gary G. Greenfield 31 Intentla International 10255 West Iliggins Rd. Founded. 1984 137.0 91.0 Suite 200 Rosemont, IL-60018 N.A. CEOMPresident: William J. Lyons 32 57 The Baan Co. N.V.5 4600 Bohannon Drive Menk> Park, CA 94025 founded: 1978 131.8 70.5 hup://www.ham.com ChairmaniCEC: Jan Bain President: Tom Tinsley 33 33 Cognos Inc. " 67 South Redford St. Burlington, MA 01803 Founded: 1969 131.3 http://www.cognos.com Chairman: James Tory E'60L CEO President Ron Zamhomini 34 47 FileNet Corp. 3565 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 founded 1982 127.0 85.6 hp:/ /www.filenet.com Chairman/CEO/Presidem: Ted Smith 35 .59 NetManage Inc.' 10725 North De Anza Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 Founded. 1990 125.4 71.5 http://www.netmanage.com ChairmaniCECIPresident: Zhi Alon 36 46 FTP Software Inc. 100 Brickstone Square Fitth Floor Founded: 1986 123.0 86.2 Andover, MA 01810 Chairman/CECVPresident: http://www.ftp.com David 13, Zirkle 37 45 Hyperion Software Corp. 900 Long Ridge Rd founded: 1981 122.1 Stamford, CT 06902 86. hsp://www.hysodi.com Chairman/CEC: James A. Perakis President: Ferer F. DiGummarino 38 McDonnell 5310 Beethowen St. Information Founded: 1969 107.0 Systems Group Plc. Los Angeles, CA 90066 122.0 http:/ /www.mdis.com Chairman: Jan Hay Davison CEO!President Join Klein 39 29 Banyan 120 Flanders Rd. Systems Inc. Westborough, MA 01581 Founded: 1983 118.4 130.9 http://www.banyan.com Chairman/CECVPresident. David C. Mahoney 40 30 Micro Focus 2465 I. Rayshoce Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303 Founded: 1976 114.2 130.8 Group Plc. Chairman: J. Michael Gullard http:/ /www.microlucas.com CLO: Marcelo A. Gummacio 41 43 WRQ Inc. [500 Dexter Ave, North founded: 1981 111.6 89.3 Seattle, WA 98109 hrp://www.wrq.com President: Doug Walker 42 38 Wall Data Inc. 11332 N.E. 122nd Way 110.7 Kirkland, WA 98034 Founded: 1982 101.2 Chairman CEO: James Simpson http:/ /wwwwalldata.com President: John Wall 43 41 Marcam Corp. 95 Wells Ave. Founded: 1980 100.8 92.0 Newton, MA 02159 http:/ /www.marcam.com Chairman: I'an! A. Margolis CEO,President Michael Quinlan